Armelle GROLÉE holds a Master 2 Degree obtained at the University GRENOBLE II in « Propriété intellectuelle, Accords industriels et Droits des nouvelles technologies » (Intellectual Property, industrial agreements and new technologies) and a University diploma obtained at the University LYON III in comparative law / American Law.

She has been registered at the bar of LYON since 2001.

In 2007, she obtained the specialization references issued by the French National Bar Council in Intellectual Property Law and in New Technologies and Media Law.

She is a member of the French group of the International Association for Industrial Property (A.I.P.P.I.) and is part of the Management Committee of the Group Rhône-Alpes for the protection of Intellectual Property (G.R.A.P.I.).

She operates in all areas of intellectual property, new technologies, press and media.

She assists and advises her clients in the protection of their intellectual property rights (prior-art searches, filing of trademarks applications, …).

She advises clients in their contractual relations and commercial operations (audits, negotiations and drawing-up of commission, development, licenses, transfers contracts,…).

She also assists her clients in the defence of their trademarks, designs, copyright, patents and other through pre-litigations (infringements seizure, customs seizures, …), opposition procedures and legal actions (claim, nullity, infringement, unfair competition).

She is also involved in all issues related to the internet both in respect of the creation of a website and its contents (general conditions of sale, terms of use, personal data protection, CNIL) than in litigations related to it (liability of hosting service providers / publishers) and conflicts relating to domain names (proceedings before courts or complaints and representation before arbitration centers : UDRP, ADR, SYRELI).

She teaches and performs trainings in her areas of expertise.